As a functional nutrition counselor , yoga teacher, and Intentional leader …

I am dedicated to bring the world into balance, starting with the self. By merging ethical business practices, connection to nature, and spirituality in service of the regeneration of our planet. I’m on a path of self-healing. My life’s work is devoted to deep inter-personal connections that unite inner and outer experiences for total transformation and alignment. I am committed to the process. To inform, educate, and share the tools that offer remembrance.

It’s time to give yourself personal permission to open into your innate radiance. To fully embody your true essence of being, and develop smart boundaries that will support immense aliveness and feeling secure in your own skin. In a culture that rewards over production and exhaustion as a means of success, I am here to lay a foundation that will help you reclaim your personal authority. In an over saturated market, I will help you navigate the wellness space and invest in the right areas.

I make connections. I have the ability to integrate layers of physiological, psychological, and energetic states of being. We will uncover multi-factorial triggers to access root healing. The truth is our body is telling us everything we need to know in this moment when we learn to tap into its unique wisdom and dialogue. The process is not as hard as you think when we have the proper guidance. We are meant to live in union with our environment. Imbalance in the body is caused by separation of thoughts and actions that are not alignment with our hearts desire and truest potential. 



Life Design